HIllary the Monster….An ongoing story that….

April 11, 2008

should tell you something about what is really going on in America today. Hint: It really has nothing to do with either candidates gender or race. For you low-information fools out there when ‘someone’ generally some form of ‘conservative’ parasite starts to talk about anything, anything but the real ‘God’ which rules our nation with and iron fist you’d better grab onto your wallet ’cause Homer..yer about to get mugged.

No days the mugging usually starts with some form of Health-Care. Here’s a short parable involving the players as they are often found:

Hillary, the monster.

The corporatist media retailing a reality that simply does not exist.

One progressive voice who in the end shows us the truth.

We start with this:

‘Not long ago, a young Ohio woman named Trina Bachtel, who was having health problems while pregnant, tried to get help at a local clinic.’

So, says our great President…’she can just go to the emergency room.’ Like so much of what is in Bush’s head this is little too complicated for him to actually deal with. As we see here:

‘Unfortunately, she had previously sought care at the same clinic while uninsured and had a large unpaid balance. The clinic wouldn’t see her again unless she paid $100 per visit — which she didn’t have.’

You see it? Can you see it? This woman’s problem was not that she was sick. No, no, no….her grievous problem was that she did not have any money. She was poor. Ah but she did eventually get care and all turned out right…..


Uh…sorry this isn’t TeeBee.. What actually happened was:

‘Eventually, she sought care at a hospital 30 miles away. By then, however, it was too late. Both she and the baby died.’

Hey, them’s the breaks here in America right……Right?

Well this story don’t stop there. Here’s more:

‘Some readers may already have recognized the story of Trina Bachtel. While campaigning in Ohio, Hillary Clinton was told this story, and she took to repeating it, without naming the victim, on the campaign trail. She used it as an illustration of what’s wrong with American health care and why we need universal coverage.’

Now you may have been yawning over this tragic but all too common tale from the Real America. Please wake the fuck up. ‘Cause here is were the tale takes a turn which shines the light on how this nation really works. Right here:

Some readers may already have recognized the story of Trina Bachtel. While campaigning in Ohio, Hillary Clinton was told this story, and she took to repeating it, without naming the victim, on the campaign trail. She used it as an illustration of what’s wrong with American health care and why we need universal coverage.’

Oh shit, there he goes with the Clinton shtick again you are thinking, well you are not actually thinking your mind is just doing what the Republicans and the corporatist press have programed it to do: Turn Off. Think that’s bullshit? Okay, read this:

Then The Washington Post identified Ms. Bachtel, the hospital where she died claimed that the story was false — and the news media went to town, accusing Mrs. Clinton of making stuff up. Instead of being a story about health care, it became a story about the candidate’s supposed problems with the truth.’

And then this:

‘In fact, Mrs. Clinton was accurately repeating the story as it was told to her — and it turns out that while some of the details were slightly off, the essentials of her story were correct. After all the fuss, The Washington Post eventually conceded that “Bachtel’s medical tragedy began with circumstances very close to the essence” of Mrs. Clinton’s account.

And even more important, Mrs. Clinton was making a valid point about the state of health care in this country.’

Let me repeat the important part: ‘In fact, Mrs. Clinton was accurately repeating the story as it was told to her…the essentials of her story were correct.’

Again, ‘…the essentials of her story were correct.’ Have you got that? The WaPo lied about what Hillary Clinton said and they weren’t going to correct that lie. Neither were Obama or MaCain, nor Tweety nor PumpkinHaid nor Kos, nor anyone else.This folks is how societies Collapse. This is what happened to the Anasazi and many other societies that preceded them and us. The information systems that every society relies upon to fucking survive become corrupted, as your smart aleck computer savvy kid will tell you…..

Garbage in Garbage Out. Think about it. And if you think this post is about Hillary….

Better read it a few more times.

Hillary want’s to go back…back to….well let her tell you….

April 11, 2008

Here’s what Hillary the Monster is talking about recently in PA:

HARRISBURG, PA. — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton nodded knowingly last week as Joe Rebarchek described his struggle to pay for his oldest daughter to attend Villanova University and still save tuition money for his two younger children.

"I hear about this everywhere," Clinton said at the Capitol Diner, her voice tinged with sadness.

The New York senator looked across the crowd of supporters in the ’50s-style dining room with flying-saucer-like lights and said she was able to go to law school nearly 40 years ago only because she had a low-interest loan from the government.

"At that point in this country’s history, we made a really big investment in young people," Clinton said. "That was a part of what our country did. And I want to get back to that."

Read the whole article here in the Los Angeles Times and remember….

We report but you are the ones who have to decide.

Tune in next week for another gripping episode of: Sister Beezlebub vs. Senator SnakeOil.

Barry sez……

April 11, 2008

We got a new feature here at B.R.A.G. the blog where we don’t hesitate to get in your face if you are ‘just going along with the program…’ but love you like a brother if you take nothing on faith and think for yourself. And you Clinton hatahs?

Do not worry we’ll be posting what she has to say.

This statement by our good friend Senator Obama is worthy of a look:

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them…And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

          And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their

Here go read the whole thing.

Then….’Think for Yourself’.


I got nothin’ to say about this.


As it happens the vile Yoo…..

April 11, 2008

…clever scumbag that he is does not belong to the California Bar Association. Nor is he licensed to practice law in the State so my plan has no leverage. There is however on group of individuals whom have a say in all this. The most august Faculty Senate of the University of California at Berkeley, my cherished alma mater. They can cast the insane Woo from his perch as Professor at UCB’s Boalt Hall School of Law should they so choose. There is a link to email the chair. If you do so be polite and marshal some arguments for them to use. Bloviating  ain’t gonna get it done.

There is one individual member of the faculty who has expressed his internal conflict about Woo’s presence at Berkeley. This would be Professor of Economics Brad DeLong whose blog Grasping Reality is an excellent example of the academic blog.

I recently commented in a thread about Greek plays, that’s where the opening quote comes from as follows:

Some mindfulness
A man should surely keep, of any thing
That pleased him once.

Yes, I have that ‘mindfulness’ of my days at Berkeley circa 1965 to 1971 when such a one as ‘Professor’ John Woo would have been driven from the hallowed vale that is Berkeley by an enraged community.

Sadly, as the ancients so correctly lamented the men of today are but pygmy’s compared to the giants of yesterday.Lost to them, it would seem, the moral outrage that gave birth to our nation, our society.

Is there no one on the faculty who feels the sting and shame of associating with the creature Yoo?

Is there not one amongst you who will stand up and demand he be cast forth?


A. Citizen

This man is struggling to be on our side and if you do contact him please be nothing but polite.

I have not and will not give up on my campaign to send Yoo packing. Next up is research on whether his work can get him expelled under Faculty Senate rules. If you have any ideas…send ’em along.