Unity 08!

August 26, 2008

From my ‘progressive’ acquaintances, can’t call ’em friends anymore friends hang with ya even if they think you are wrong., on facebook I read and hear about how fabulous the Dem Convention in Colorado is going. I understand the weather is great and that Michelle Obama gave a good speech. Swell.

Here’s a slightly different look:

‘Get over it loser!’ Is a phrase Clinton supporters are apt to hear in the streets….

I’ve gotta tell ya folks, that is not how you build bridges, win over Hillary’s supporters and re-unite a party.  But that’s the kind of thing Hillary’s folks are hearing from BHO’s crowd in Denver this week, and the only way that’s going to stop is if The Chosen One takes the lead and tells them to knock it off’.

Check out the rest. Me? I’ll have a lot more to say later. I’m busy with computer construction and marketing. One thing I will be talking a lot about, as I find it interesting, is the tremendous similarity between how Obamacans, some Hillaristas and yer median RedStater act and think. One thing that Obama’s candidacy has made crystal clear for those with eyes to see is that politics can be a great leveler. The real question is….

Why the level is so low.

Welcome to A.Citizen’s New Home!

August 4, 2008

As small blog where, as far as I can tell, I am free to say what I want to say how I want to say it. Politics is a full-contact sport. People get hurt. Physically, financially, morally and their psyche’s take a beating upon occasion also. If you are of such a sensitive fame of mind that you’ve had problems with my content, syntax or scatology….

Leave now.

It’s only gonna get worse because we, real progressives from the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, are surrounded by enemies. McSame doin’ his little jig of smear…smear…smear…

And much, much worse the illegitimate ‘nominee’ of the ‘Democrat’ Party who has used every slimeball tactic known to politics and one he stole from the WingNuts, that would be the ‘believe’ schtick, to convince the American people that he already is President….their vote just a formality. Not only is this false, as the non-Kool-Aide guzzlers understand, but in fact Senator Barack Obama is not yet, and may never be the nominee. Yeah, shut UP with the calls for the tin-foil hats. You are only exposing you own abysmal ignorance, albeit encouraged and nourished by Barkey and his pet press mutts, about what’s actually happened and what can happen in the Democratic Nomination process. read on to see what I am talking about.

But before we can get to that I need to introduce a fellow blogger. A woman of far greater stature than I in the growing state of NoBamaLand a seething mass of outraged folks who’d the likes of ‘The Committee of Three’ would just as soon you never heard of. Heidi Li Feldman, Joint Degree in Law and Philosophy; Professor of Law,  A.B., Brown; J.D., Ph.D., University of Michigan and is that a mouthful or what. Not even ‘Barkey’  Obama can match that…not even close. Take the time to read this page. BRAG posts by me are not for the lazy; one page of type too much for ya head on back to the HDTV and suck down another Budweiser still a shitty beer but at least it ain’t American no more. I hope you do take the time to read the little bit about her, love that part about ‘bullshitting and the law…’ because this post is just about all her! I luv it! Here’s the lede para:

For the most part, I find Senator Obama boring. So usually in this space I do not write much about him directly. But today Senator Obama played a little trick that reminded of the person who I think of as his nearest political relative – Richard M. Nixon.

Whoa! Bitch must be crazy right? I mean come on….Nixon and ‘The One’. Clik on thru read the whole thing and admit it. She nail’s Obambi’s hide to the barn door where it’s stink drifts away as it dries in the sun.. Yep, go ahead and read it. Then tell me why she’s wrong in the comments. They work here at B.R.A.G. and the new, improved A.Citizen expects, even demands, that you respond if you have something to say.  As my sainted Daddy usta say, ‘Speak up son I cain’t hardly hear ya.’

Stay tuned there is an almost endless line of bloggers, the vast majority of ’em women, who will be appearing hear to let you know that they are done eating shit for:

‘The Precious’

‘The Boyz in the Blogz’

Howard Dean

Donna Brazile


And I’ll even kick the dead stinking corpse of PumpkinHaid a few times just for the hell of it.

Yep, as the Great Yogi once said: ‘It ain’t over ’til it’s Over’

And it ain’t over.

Res Ipsa Loquitor my fellow Progressives…

July 29, 2008

…..from a guy who’s made millions on his judgment of character we get this:

The following is a letter sent to DNC Treasurer Andy Tobias telling him why, from a rational investor’s point of view, Obama has not earned the author’s vote. The letter was sent by one of the DNC’s biggest donors, a donor who has historically maxed out to the DNC and who was a maxed out donor in both the Kerry and Clinton campaigns, in response to comments by Tobias that she could not see the forest through the trees.
You decide.
Dear Andy,
So you want to know what is taking me so long to “get on board”?   Let me try to answer with some discussion of what my 25 years on Wall Street and the Hedge Fund community have taught me, and what insights I can share in order to explain my stance.

As you know, anyone in our profession meets with countless management teams on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.  The “plots” change from time to time and the cast of characters play musical chairs. After awhile, they become all too familiar.  You have seen the movie before.  When you spot the corrupt CFO enter the scene, it immediately casts a doubt on the rest of the management team.  One or two conclusions can be drawn – either they are inept or they wanted a dishonest player.  Neither answer provides any comfort, but always insight.  I have been lied to by the best of them over the decades; I am sure you have had similar experiences.

After years of stepping in land mines, I learned to read people and situations. I had no choice – my listening skills were honed, my gut fine-tuned.  I picked up on what was and was not said, and I always paid close attention to the cast of characters.  The actions of a management team always told me more than anything they ever said.  If they were bailing out, so was I.  If the head of sales left unexpectedly, alarm bells went of.

In the thirteen years that I have had audited results, I lost money in only one year, and then only in single digits.  I am proud that I was able repay my investors’ faith and confidence in me by compounding their funds assets, net of fees, at 18% over those 13 years.  I took my responsibilities seriously and when I knew I could not give it 110% of my energies, I turned it over to someone who would.  My investors deserved someone who would work tirelessly on their behalf, looking under every rock in support of their interests.

The fact that I became successful was not what made me proud.  It was how I did it.  My soul is intact.  It was the self-imposed rules and standards that I adhered to.  I believed in a win, win, and still do.  My investors always came first.  I never screwed anyone over.  I made plenty of mistakes, but I always owned them, never blaming others.  I treated everyone fairly and with respect, believing everyone has
something to offer.  I always tried to do the right thing.

So what does this have to do with me not falling in line and
supporting Obama?  Well everything as you can see.

Andy, if I worked and served the people in the 13th District in
Chicago, I would have known all of the players.  And to win that district, would I have gamed the system to run unopposed?  Tony Rezko would not have had a seat at my table.  Either Obama is a fool and is blind to what should have been obvious, or someone like Tony is fine by Obama’s standards. The guy is a dirtball. And a dirtball would not
be part of my circle, certainly not my inner circle.  I would rather not be elected than associate with someone like Rezko.

Nor for political or any other reasons would I choose Rev. Wright, Rev. Meeks, or Father Plager as my spiritual mentors. Again, he is either blind or an opportunist.  Would I be hanging out with Mr. Ayers? Would you?  Would you refuse to be photographed with Gavin Newsom?  There is a pattern with this guy – he manipulates; the ends justify the means.  He lacks character.

Getting not one bill passed in the first 6 years of his career in not inspiring.  Having Emil Jones hand him the ball 26 times on the one-yard line in order to make Obama a United States Senator does not cut it either.  What deals he made, he did to benefit no one but himself.  He never worked long enough in either Senate to help the people who elected him.  Andy, I could never imagine you taking credit for legislation someone else slaved over. Starting in his community organizing days he claimed sole responsibility for other people’s accomplishments all for the purpose to boosting his career.

In terms of the campaign itself, I had the opportunity to witness his methods up close.  During the primaries I was in 6 states, 2 of which had caucuses; it was not clean.  El Paso was a joke with the Obama campaign stealing the caucus packets, locking supporters out – Intimidation 101, 102 and
103.  Fair elections do not seem to be a priority in my birth state. No other machine exists from the days of Boss
Tweed, but Chicago’s.  How many elected officials are in jail?They are the joke of the nation. It is called the Chicago machine for good reason.

It was clear that what I saw and experienced was not a fluke or isolated incidents, but coordinated, deliberate and arrogant.  I got to see him and his organization for who he is and what it is – not inspiring, to say the least.  Not something I would have, in business, endorsed in any way.  In fact, I would most likely have reported them to the appropriate regulators.

Andy, I have consistently found you to be a compassionate person, but more importantly you have always put your money where your mouth is.  Does it not bother you that a guy like Obama can serve a poor district and give away a paltry $1000 to charity?  He only stepped up his giving when he decided to run for President and he knew his charitable
giving would be made public.  How could anyone see that much misery and not try to personally do something about it?

Please, show me something this guy ever did that was not done in a calculated fashion to create and advance his own personal narrative?  Something selfless, perhaps, just because it was the right thing to do?

Every person I have talked to who worked at the Law Review at Harvard with him, or in the later part of his career, said the same thing: he was arrogant and self-centered.  One person laughed, saying Obama wanted to be King of the World, that he was always running for something, never staying in one place long enough to amass accomplishments or be held accountable.

Do you not you find it troublesome that he has hundreds of paid bloggers, posting vicious attacks not only about the Clintons but her supporters as well?  The whole purpose was to cast him as the second coming, while trashing her and quashing other points of view.

At first I thought is was just some hyped up kids, and then a pattern emerged.  He paid others to do his dirty work.  The most egregious sexist cracks were rampant, both on the Internet and the MSM. Yet, what did Howard and Obama say? Nothing. Obama promoted it, paid his bloggers to write it.  Never once did he try to stop it.  Howard, after the damage was done finally commented on it, but barely.  Wink,

Andy, I heard remarks that still make my jaw drop.

You know I consider myself a centrist.  The right wing of the
Republican Party scares me, but so does the left.  Ideologues of either side should not have control simultaneously of the executive, legislative, and judicial arms of the government.  Absolute power corrupts, be it on the left or the right.  Ha, but you will say….  the courts.  If you have the legislative branch, all will be fine.  McCain voted Ginsberg in, he is not a stupid man and certainly not an Ideologue, and he took heat in the primaries for refusing to have a litmus test for judges.  And need I remind you that Obama thought Roberts was an acceptable appointment until some more experienced hands in the Senate told him that would not do?

Painting him as Bush 3 is a little annoying, and what’s up with the MoveOn Baby Alex commercial?  Give credit where credit is due. McCain went against his own party twice on immigration reform, on ethanol subsidies, and campaign finance reform. He started talking about Global warming 8 years ago. I don’t agree with McCain on a number of topics, but I do believe he has principals and a backbone. He is not
willing to say anything to get elected.

I can’t say the same for Obama who is turning out to be more like Bush than McCain; Obama is at least as arrogant as W, just more polished. Are you not ashamed, in these past weeks, of his reckless abandon of any pretense to a moral center on issues such as FISA, separation of church and state, gun control?  And what he did to one of my heroes,
Wes Clark?  Insulting my intelligence and my standards will not win me over.

But, in this conversation, you will say, McCain wants to be in Iraq for 100 years.  No, he said that as in Japan, or Korea, we could have a presence. We have been in both of those countries for 60 years and not leaving any time soon, and the world is safer for it.

Next will be, McCain is not knowledgeable about the economy.  While with Carly Fiorina, who I remember from her Lucent days, at a town meeting he turned the mic over to Carly when asked about the mortgage mess, painting her as the expert.  Wow – he gave a woman a compliment, praising her knowledge, referring to her as the expert.  How often
have you praised Charles, or me, and everyone for that matter? Why? Because you are gracious and you know it reflects well on you.

All this might not bother me if so much if the stakes where not so high, but they are.  I am an issues person, not a cult of personality devotee. Substance matters. Barack is a politician, an inexperienced one at that, pretending he is different.  I just see him as arrogant and power hungry.  Our country deserves better, someone I would be proud to do business with.

Andy, my country comes first, not the Democrat party.  Having said that, I believe that the Democratic Party has just kicked away the best candidate and our best chance to redeem our country, Hillary Clinton, a proven centrist. Given his resume, or should I say the lack of one, he is either ineffective or hiding something, neither answer gives me the warm and fuzzies. If she is chosen in Denver, you can
count on my full and enthusiastic support.  Until then,

I own my vote.

Kinda sums it up for me.

Hey! You are in good company. Malcolm…MLK…Bobby, Seale that is, all my heros from my Radical Youth….

June 20, 2008

Yep, wiretapped from thanks to the ‘SellOut’ Dems and don’t forget, as if

I or any other real progressive would let you, that Senator Barack Obama has

no problems with this.

Yep, it’s all good since he’s gonna be President next and we all know we can trust him.



All you followers of The Magic Man are gonna get to find out what it’s like to be on

the ‘eat shit and die’ end of the argument. Sites, which I will not name, which heretofore have been hot beds of Obama support are filled with angry commenters shrieking in rage. Talkin’ about, ‘Sellout…copout…Coward….’ and worst the very, very worst of all, ‘That asshole ain’t gettin’ a dime.’ not one.

Enough, time to get on with fighting for our and our children’s freedom. Obama will fix himself.Good riddance.

Jane, a progressive’s progressive, is responsible for the poster and the pushback agains Fascism

that goes with it. Check it out and take action it seems a good idea to you. I did and you can
right here…………….

Until various issues are sorted out I will not be creating content for the D/L site. I’m not doing this
to sell their ad space especially when it gobbled up our community blog links. Plus the mechanics of
blogging there now are like doing it with a broken leg.

I will make one more stab at it and see if we can’t get things straightened out. Don’t hold your breath.

‘Some say…..

June 8, 2008

…..such as this guy:

What about you? You got anything to say?

You are not gonna like this…I sure did not…but….

June 1, 2008

Just as I blogged about President Death and the Treason of Rove & Co. I’m gonna keep on blogging about those threats I see to our way of life, fat and wasteful as we are, I believe the American way of life has much more good in it than bad.

But you out there.

You had better start doing more than just pay attention, although that will do for nice start. Jane, spine of steel that woman has to be posting these clips in this atmosphere, shows us a variety of opinions on yesterday’s actions by the Democratic Party to ‘fix’ what is now being called ‘The ClusterFuck’. This first clip is  pretty much were I am at at the moment. Be sure, absolutely sure you watch the last one.

A poster at No Quarter makes good catch on the affairs of our ‘Demcorat’ Party and their adherence to their own rules.

I leave you with Sinclair Lewis:

‘…Fascism will come to America wrapped in a flag and carryining a cross…’

Who Let the Dogs Out?

May 29, 2008

A great post about just how the corporatist press works; or rather is given it’s marching orders. By way of Anglachel’s Journal we get a quote from Bob Somerby, a blogger I’ve known about for a while but really never got to know, who gives us a real look at just how certain misstatements or other ‘incidents’ become important while others….not so much.

Here’s the leadin paragraph:

‘MEYERSON (5/28/08): Had Florida and Michigan conducted their primaries the way the other 48 states conducted their own primaries and caucuses—that is, in accord with the very clear calendar laid down by the DNC well before the primaries began—then Clinton’s marchers would be utterly justified in their claims. But when the two states flouted those rules by moving their primaries outside the prescribed time frame, the DNC, which gave neither state a waiver to do so, decreed that their primaries would not count and enjoined all presidential candidates from campaigning in those states. Obama and John Edwards complied with the DNC’s dictates by removing their names from the Michigan ballot. Clinton did not.

Seating Michigan in full would mean the party validates the kind of one-candidate election (well, 1.03, to give Dennis Kucinich, Chris Dodd and Mike Gravel, who also remained on the ballot, their due) that is more common in autocracies than democracies. It would mean rewarding the one serious candidate who didn’t remove her name from the ballot when all her rivals, in deference to the national party rules, did just that.’

Read the whole thing. It’s a little convoluted what, to do with modern politics…or old for that matter, isn’t. Bottom line we have, as many have pointed out, taken on the characteristics of that society we fought for so long. Yes, children I know you think the ‘Commies’ were some imaginary Boomer boogeyman but, in actual fact, they were not. They were a group who thought you could run a society of millions with the same top down authority structure our ancestors used to control a ‘troop’ of around 150 individuals.

You can’t.

But nobody told Cheney, Bush or the Evangelicals so here we are: The few trying without much success to impose their vision of reality on the many.

Not gonna work and it’s very bad juju for us as it’s taking us further down the road to a point of no return. A point where it will be too late to fix things.

Wale up. Smell the Coffee and….

Think for yourself.

When Katie Couric is the only one who ‘gets it’ you know you are dealing with idiots….or worse….

May 28, 2008

Here is the woman who took Dan Rather’s spot:

‘…Katie Couric impressively argued that the media did fail to do its job — pointing out that the White House threatened networks which were perceived to be too critical with cutting off access to the war and that anyone who questioned the war was deemed unpatriotic and all of that "affected the level of aggressiveness that was exercised by the media"… ‘     

Not so rebutted elder newsman Charlie Gibson:

‘I think the questions were asked. I respectfully disagree with the gentle lady from the Columbia Broadcasting System [group giggles]. I think the questions were asked. . . . I can remember getting in trouble with administration officials for asking questions they didn’t feel comfortable with.

It was just a drumbeat of support from the administration. And it is not our job to debate them; it’s our job to ask the questions.’

Got that? Poor Charlie ‘got into trouble…’ what did they do Charlie make you drink Nescafe instead of your usual Cappuccino at the Presidential Pressers? Say, Charlie you still have all your arms and legs? Feet? Hands? Eyes? No blackouts Charlie? Oh good…everything’s just fine then.

No folks, this may seem like beating a dead dog but…

Clik thru and read the whole Glennzilla piece linked above, complete with video linky goodness, and you will find that since such a great job was, in fact, done on the MSM’s coverage of the run-up to and all that’s happened since in the Iraq conflict that…

Wait for it….

No changes are needed in our great corporatist media. They are doing a fantastic job keeping the people informed and actually deserve some more rewards for their work.


My question to you is: ‘What relationship to the ‘facts’ of the political situation here in America do you think the corporatist press’s work bears to what you would consider reality?’

Here’s a nice poll for ya.

And give this some thought the next time someone sez: ‘Obama is a shoe in in the Fall.’ or ‘There is no way Hillary can win….’ Give these and similar statements another look and ask yourself ;

‘How does he/she, or even me, know that? What does it say that we might even be convinced of said outcome.

Here is the poll………

Have fun and remember….

As long as you think you know a lot…..you don’t really know Jack!

I’m pretty busy right now plotting and such…so…..

May 27, 2008

Here’s Anglachel again to explain to even the densest of….Whoops, getting a little confrontational there. We don’t want that. Nope….no way. Here’s Mrs. A with:

The Magic Goes Away…….

Me, I’ve said it was never there to begin with but my assertion is not provable in any real sense so….let it go.

Just like the idea that Barkey can win in the GE.

Just let it go.

Me too Bill….

May 26, 2008

I really thought Democrats wanted to count every citizen’s vote. Wow! What an idiot I am. Have I got that right Mr. Great Orange Satan. Democrats have joined Republican Fascistii
in telling the citizenry, ‘Hey…fuck you we don’t count your vote unless we feel it will get us what we want.’

Have I got that right Mr. ‘BoneHead’ Bowers. I’m to STFU! because Barry is the magical unicorn you’ve been searching for ever since yer folks told you you couldn’t live in the basement
anymore and ya had to get a fukin‘ JOB!

I don’t think so pals.